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is not a financial term associated with Aflac,
unless one is talking about the effects of the
historic late October hurricane that struck New
York and the Northeast with devastating results.
Just feet from New York Harbor waters, Global
Investments’ building was inundated with surging
seawater from the massive storm. The first floor
was underwater, which meant the basement and
all the utilities and wiring needed by our global
investment group was ruined. But not sidetracked
for long, the team reassembled some 30 miles
north in Purchase, N.Y. and was continuing
business as usual. The team later moved back to
New York City, landing in temporary offices on
the Avenue of the Americas. The group would not
return to Wall Street until after the New Year.
Global group reassembles
30 miles north after hurricane
surge inundates building
> Located in the heart of the
financial district and recent
American historical events
Afac’s Global Investments Group is located in New
York’s fnancial district, which is at the lower tip of
Manhattan. The group’s building is 100 Wall Street,
a stone’s throw from Battery Park and the harbor. Up
and around the corner, and a short walk away from
Afac Global Investments, is the New York Stock
Exchange. Beyond that and another 1,500 feet or so,
is the site of the World Trade Towers and the 9/11
National Memorial.
> How expensive is it
to work in New York City?
A round trip on the subway runs $4.50. If you live
in nearby New Jersey or Connecticut, crossing a
bridge or tunnel to get into the city costs $12 (and
don’t even ask about the cost of parking). Taxes?
Figure paying New York City income tax, New
York State income tax, the federal income tax
and either Connecticut or New Jersey income tax
along with hefty property and sales taxes. A tiny
apartment? It could easily run more than $2,000
a month.