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| j a n u a r y / f e b r u a r y
point A
to point B
From the moment you accepted your job ofer to the day
you settled into your new workspace, a series of steps
took place to move you between those two points — and
they all led to a warmAfac welcome.
For more than four years,
Vershetta Hefin
, senior trainer, Corporate Learning, has
been the face of Afac for NewEmployee Orientation attendees in Columbus. When she
stands at the head of the class, all eyes are on her and she becomes the Afac brand. She’s
tasked with imparting information about everything from our history to proper work
attire — plus a hefty dose of the company’s core values and culture.
Vershetta remembers how shouldering that responsibility made her feel the frst day
she soloed.
, who held the position before me, had thoroughly trained me, but I was
still nervous. I felt a huge responsibility to the class members, and I wanted to reas-
sure them they didn’t have to face the process alone – that I was there for them,” says
Vershetta. “Some are brand new in, or reentering, the working world and need extra
guidance, so the more confdent and comfortable I make them feel, the sooner they’ll ft
in and feel productive.”
Afac Group in Columbia, with its employee population now approaching 650, conducts
its fair share of NEO sessions as well.
, associate trainer, has found learn-
ing to be a two-way street. “I’ve been doing this since 2011, and found that a lot of the
class members bring fresh ideas and insight from their schools or previous employers.
That’s why I schedule plenty of feedback time. I share that information so that we can
continue to tailor not just our NEO training, but sometimes even modify the way Afac
does business. Afac gains knowledge from their experience.”