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t appears the warnings of potential
turnover among workers at the frst signs
of recovery have begun to materialize.
A growing number of U.S. employees
are pink-slipping their employers. The
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in a
February 2012 report, showed that the
number of workers quitting has been
steadily rising since its low point in
December of 2009. The BLS reported
that the number of employees who leave
their jobs tends to rise when there is a
perception that jobs are available.
Organizations that haven’t already
placed a premium on retaining their top
talent will need to do so quickly. Ac-
cording to the Afac study, nearly half
(49%) of workers are at least somewhat
likely to look for a new job in the next
12 months, and 27 percent are very or
extremely likely.
As HR decision-makers analyze the best
measures to prevent an exodus of work-
ers, the Afac WorkForces Report pro-
vides clear, undeniable evidence that a
world-class benefts program can deliver
In fact, the study found that workers
who are extremely or very satisfed with
their benefts program are six times
more likely to stay with their employer,
compared to those workers who are
dissatisfedwith their benefts program.
Further, when asked how infuential
an overall benefts package is in the
decision to leave a current employer,
34 percent say very or extremely infuen-
tial. And, when asked what their current
employer could do to keep them in their
job, 49 percent say “improve my benefts
Beyond keeping workers in their cur-
rent positions, the 2012 Afac Work-
Forces Report also uncovered a clear
correlation between satisfaction with
benefts and satisfaction overall.
Consider this – 73 percent of workers
who indicate they are extremely/very
satisfed with their benefts package
also say they are extremely/very satis-
fedwith their job. This compared to only
33 percent of workers who say they are
extremely/very satisfed with their job
but who are also dissatisfed with their
benefts package.